A downloadable python script

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A blender python script that automates the creation of shape keys for the eyes of VRoid Studio characters, based off their eye bones. 

NEW! It also adds shape keys for head movement: left, right, up, down, and tilting the head to the left or right! Make sure to use both the HAIR and HEAD shape keys when editing your blend shapes in RPG Developer Bakin.

For 99% of people, this isn't a useful thing, but if you intend to use it for more technically limited software, this can be a way to rotate the eyes if you can't access specific bones in engine but can affect facial shapes. This script was made with RPG Developer BAKIN in mind due to it's limitations.


This has only been tested for VRoid Studio characters that were imported through the Blender VRM Addon.

Step 1: Open the Text Editor, then open the python script you've downloaded.

Step 2: Run. To test the results, go into the Data tab when selecting the Face mesh, scroll all the way down in the Shape Keys, and slide the values.


If you need to change the parameters, change them in the script before running.

Feel free to adjust the script's rotation in degrees for each eye, based on your Eye Alignment values, under the Look tab of VRoid Studio.


Eye rotation when doing the "LR" variant of looking left and right doesn't follow as precisely the eye limitations compared to the individual L and R shape keys. Getting ChatGPT to fix this was more pain that it was worth it.


This is a script that was built through Chat GPT (Microsoft Copilot), so thank it for doing the bulk of work... because I have no clue how a python script in Blender works!

Published 16 days ago
Tags3D, Blender, rpgbakin, rpg-developer-bakin, vrm, vroid


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vrm_eyes_head_tilt_to_blendshape.py 3.8 kB

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